Rural Tourism

sport, nature, gastronomy, cultural heritage, ecotourism, sustainability, peace, history…

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Geographer by profession, I ventured into the world of rural tourism. With a great knowledge of the surrounding land and a lover of nature and sport.


What our customers think about us?

La casa muy acogedora. Las vistas desde la casa un regalo para la vista. Los detalles de bienvenida buenísimos y la atención del dueño en todo momento inmejorable. Hemos estado muy a gusto.

Hemos disfrutado mucho de la casa, de las bicis, del pueblo y de sus alrededores.

Marc López -Febrer 2017

Bellissima casa e ottima ospitalità da parte di Albert, gentilezza, simpatia e attenzione.

Abbiamo trascorso una bella vacanza, torneremo presto.

Ottimo luogo per scalatori vicino ad Coll de Nargó, Perles, Oliana.

Graziano Guardabassi -Gener 2017

Cal Tresonito -lovely house with spectacular view from the windows-. The property was clean, comfortable and has been finished to a very high standard, it get everything could you need. The Coll de Nargò is very good situated, lovely village,its a lots of attractions, eg. river, kayaks, footpaths, it's also near to Andorra, Barcelona etc. Owner -Albert- it's very kind and nice person. A big thanks for him, he was very helpful and we can count on him in many situations. We would recommend anyone to stay here.

Dagmara -Agost 2016

Hem passat un parell de dies estupendus a Cal Tresonito!

Una casa molt acollidora i bonica, decorada amb encant i perfecta per gaudir de bones vistes.
Un indret ideal per fer rutes i excursions amb amigues.
Un paisatge impressionant i encara més el tracte de l'amfitrió.

Molt recomanable.

Júlia Pastela -Març 2016

“Al compàs de la filosa
s’esfilagarsa la nit
i és a redós de Narieda,
que el cel se m’obre infinit…”

– Elisabet Segura Fàbrega –

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Cal Tresonito in Coll de Nargó is on the foot of Narieda, a quiet place full of corners to discover.

Tourism register of Catalonia
Cal Tresonito: HUTL-000265